COMMUNION | One of the biggest blessings of our worship is the reception of Communion (Lord’s Supper, Eucharist) which is where our members receive the forgiveness of sins in Christ’s body and blood unified in theology, doctrine, and belief. It binds us together in the grace of God. People who are new to the church, or have questions about our Communion practices or beliefs, are invited to come forward with everyone else to the rail to receive a blessing from the Pastors, but to abstain from taking the bread and wine. We typically offer Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month.
OFFERING | Offering is the time when individuals who are bought into the ministry that God is doing in and through St. Lukes tithe 1/10th of their income to Him. It is not required to give the entire tithe at your home congregation, many members diversify their tithe to into their church, other ministries, Christian schools, and missionaries. Yet, if your heart and labor is part of a specific congregation, it is important to ask God’s blessing of these gifts to this ministry. (Malachi 3:10) “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” If visiting for the first time, we invite you to fill out a CONNECT card located in the back of the pews and drop it in the offering basket. We’ll reach out to you after your visit and offer ways to connect you deeper with our church and ministry groups.
SERMONS | Sermons serve as the verbal teaching within the proclamation of the Gospel for our weekly services. It is encouraged to bring a Bible (or use the Bible in the pew) and to take notes to digest later.
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR? | Wear whatever is comfortable for you. We are a relaxed and flexible group with some wearing suits while others wear shorts. It’s a welcoming atmosphere.
WHAT SHOULD I BRING? | You are welcome to bring a Bible to follow along with the sermon, you can also use the copy in the pew.
WHERE DO I GO WHEN I ARRIVE? | Our main entrance is labeled with a "Welcome" on the door. Enter into the Narthex where you'll find a friendly member of our Welcome Team eager to greet you and answer any questions you may have. If it is your first time visiting us, we’d love for you to stop by the welcome table just inside the door so we can meet you and give you a small gift to better acquaint you with St. Lukes.
GET CONNECTED | Click here to fill out our digital CONNECT card.